Igenea review : pros, cons, and user experiences

  • Reliability of results
  • DNA tests
  • Waiting time for results
  • Customer Service
  • Community
  • Data security

Igenea - Review

Igenea is the laboratory to choose for further genealogical research. Indeed, carrying out a DNA test with Igenea is a real boost to discover one’s ancestors. The 3 DNA kits with reliable results that allow you to analyze with precision your ethnic group, living relatives and haplogroup make Igenea a success !


Igenea is a Swiss genealogy laboratory expert in DNA analysis. With its controlled methods and regulated procedures, Igenea has already enabled thousands of individuals to discover their family ties and ancestral origins.

Discover our reviews on DNA testing !

What you need to know about iGenea

InformationIgenea logo
🌐 Website
🗓️ Year of creation2007
🧬Type of DNA testAutosomal DNA testing
Y-DNA test (paternal line)
mtDNA test (maternal line)
🌏 Geographical coverageEurope
Middle East
🧪 Type of samplingSaliva
📈 Results reportsEthnic origins
DNA matches
Identifying potential family relationships
💾Database2 millions
🔍 Search tools
🔬Reliability and precision99 %
⏳Processing timeAbout 3 weeks
📞 Customer Support+ 41 43 817 13 92 (WhatsApp)
💵 PriceBasic : € 199
Premium : € 549 
Expert : € 1 499
🗂 Data compatibilityGEDCOM format
💪 HighlightsA percentage origin report
Compares DNA with profiles of famous people
Goes back 100,000 years

Igenea : Presentation

  • Analysis by expert Swiss genealogists
  • Analyze your origins over 100,000 years ago
  • The most complete genetic results in the world.
  • 100% certified and reliable results
  • Security of your personal data
  • Health reports not included in the results

Igenea is one of the leading companies on the European market for DNA kits. Created by four renowned scientists, the laboratory has a presence in every country in the world.

Proof of its quality, Igenea has a web platform available in more than 15 languages.

See all the translations of Igenea website
  • French
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  • Russian
  • Saudi
  • Switzerland
  • Finnish
  • Swedish

Igenea : DNA testing and sampling

Simple to perform, the DNA test can be carried out directly from your home. And like the Family Tree DNA laboratory, Igenea offers you the analysis of the different parts of the genome, i.e. the autosomal DNA test, the y-DNA test and the mtDNA test.


To carry out your test, Igenea will send you your sample kit the same day you order. This kit includes :

  • 1 user’s manual;
  • 2 vials (spittoon);
  • 2 sticks;
  • 1 sterile bag to return your test;
  • Delivery in Europe usually takes 2 to 4 days. Delivery outside Europe may take slightly longer due to the distance to the laboratory based in Switzerland.

Igenea offers 3 kits that we will present below.



The basic test is ideal if you are looking for an overview of your DNA genealogy.

Indeed, the laboratory will tell you :

Your origin as a percentage;
Some of your relatives;
Your certified results


For a more in-depth and personalized analysis, Igenea’s premium test allows you to discover your people of origin in addition to having access to a greater number of relatives.

With this test, it is also possible to compare your DNA with that of a particular personality. However, you will need to contact Igenea before taking the test!

In addition to the features offered by the Igenea Basic pack, you will have :

A list of your peoples of origin;
A more extensive list of your parents;


Igenea’s expert test takes you back in time to all your parents and all your peoples of origin, going back to prehistory.

You will have access to the company’s entire genealogical database. With the iGenea expert test, the laboratory will give you :

  • Your origin as a percentage;
  • All of your parents;
  • All your peoples of origin;
  • Your results with certificate.

DNA sample


There are two ways to perform a DNA test. The first, the cheek swab technique, involves placing a cotton swab inside your mouth and rubbing it on your cheek for about a minute. The second, the saliva sample technique, is easier to perform.

To obtain 100% reliable results, Igenea uses the saliva collection method. Thanks to this method of analysis, the company can offer a DNA test kit with many advantages:

  • Sending the test by standard mail;
  • DNA test easy to carry out and can be done from home;
  • Painless DNA test: without taking blood;

The results


In order to carry out a complete study, the results are sent 6 to 8 weeks after your DNA test has been returned. This period of time allows the laboratory to study and analyze your DNA in depth in order to offer you the most reliable results on the market.

The results are shared with you in the form of a personal certificate and are directly accessible online!


A haplogroup is a large branch of the homo sapiens family tree. Each haplogroup is made up of people who have a similar genetic profile and share a common ancestor.

Igenea offers you access to results on your haplogroup, understand by that your prehistoric ancestors. The Igenea laboratory is one of the few ones to offer this type of analysis, requiring a complete database.

These more in-depth results are available with the premium and expert tests. The basic test does not provide this information. With the expert kit, you will get a detailed report on this point. In particular, you will be able to benefit from details on the genetic particularities of your different lineages (maternal and paternal).


The results of the test provide you with a written report in addition to a map showing your origins and their percentages.

By origin, Igenea refers directly to the peoples of antiquity. With an Igenea DNA test, you will be able to determine your people of origin using your genetic profile and haplogroup.

This information is accessible with the 3 packs (basic, premium, and expert).


In addition to tracing your ancestral origins, the Swiss group’s DNA tests provide results on living relatives. These are individuals with similarities to your DNA and therefore share the same ancestors.

Igenea gives you access to the mails of all the people with whom your DNA has kinship links. The opportunity for you to get in touch with living relatives.

Igenea Results : Benefits
  • A detailed report, part by part
  • Professional support at your disposal
  • Different types of results: relationship, haplogroup, percentage of your ethnic origins

How much does an iGenea DNA test cost ?

On average, prices in the laboratory range from €199 for a standard analysis to more than €1 499 for more complete tests. In addition, laboratory tests require an appointment as well as a trip.

Igenea is currently offering discounts on the prices of its various kits. Here are the promotional prices:

  • Price of the Igenea Basic kit: €179 ;
  • Price of the Igenea Premium kit: €499 ;
  • Price of the Igenea Expert kit: € 1 299.

For your convenience, the company offers different forms of payment: Invoice, MasterCard, Visa or PayPal.

Editor’s review on Igenea

The laboratory is a reflection of what Swiss expertise is all about: professional and exemplary.

Our return: iGenea is a trusted laboratory run by experts, available to accompany you at all times.

The tests offered by Igenea are among the most complete and reliable on the DNA testing market. Compared to its competitors (MyHeritage, EasyDNA or 23andMe), the Swiss laboratory offers quality analysis and professional customer service to answer all your questions. In addition, Igenea has made the protection of personal data one of its top priorities. A good point for us since we are very vigilant on this characteristic.


One of the reasons we recommend Igenea is for the reliability of the laboratory results.

In order to offer reliable and concrete data, the group’s database is updated daily and constantly keeps up with new scientific research methods.

What convinced us above all: Igenea guarantees a repetition of the tests carried out without imposing additional costs. In the event that the results are insufficient, the company therefore offers us the possibility of repeating the test if problems are encountered.


In order to guarantee a professional service of the highest quality, the company bases itself on the DPA, the Swiss data protection law. All tests are carried out in a certified and accredited laboratory, a reassuring point that testifies to the professionalism of the Igenea teams.