EasyDNA Review : reliable, accurate, and fast DNA testing?

  • Reliability of results
  • DNA tests
  • Waiting time for results
  • Customer Service
  • Data security
  • Additional services

Our view

Belgian laboratory present in more than 25 countries, EasyDNA is a major player on the DNA testing market. With more than 300,000 DNA tests performed, EasyDNA is one of the most renowned and reliable in the world. Proof of its quality, EasyDNA holds the highest scientific accreditations in the field of genetics (including ISO17025, AABB and NATA standards) and guarantees results that are 99% reliable ! 

DNA testing is the best way to find out the geographical distribution of your genetic origins, your relationship to people around the world or to prove your paternity. The Belgian laboratory EasyDNA offers some of the most reliable DNA tests and communicates the results within a few days, making it the fastest firm in the world in communicating results.

In this article, we take a look at all the services offered by EasyDNA. The focus of our study was on the DNA test of origin. The results communicated to us clearly proved the seriousness of this laboratory.

Do not hesitate to discover all our reviews on DNA testing !

All you need to know about EasyDNA

🌐 Website
🗓️ Year of creation2005
🧬Type of testPaternity test
maternity test
fraternity test
prenatal DNA tests
animal DNA tests
health test
ethnic origins DNA test
clinical test
drug test
🌏 Geographic coverage+ 2,000 regions
🧪 Sampling typeCotton- buccal stem
📈 Results reportsEthnic origins
Pharmacological compatibility
Hereditary disease screening
Nutritional and physical genetics
Maternal and paternal Haplogroup
Identification of your pet’s breed
Pet’s drug sensitivity
💾 Database3 million
🔍 Search tools
🔬 Reliability and accuracy99, 99%
⏳Processing time3 to 5 working days
📞 Customer support+32 2 880 1793
💵 PriceEthnic origin test: €99, 90
Paternity test: €169
Fraternity test: €269
Animal genetics test: €79
Health test: €76
DNA ancestry test: €149
🗂 Data compatibility
💪 HighlightsLaboratory certified ISO 17025
Analysis of 21 genetic markers
Clear, detailed reports
Simple home testing process
Confidential, secure results

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Notification of results within 3 to 5 days
  • Responsive and available customer service
  • 99% reliable result: accreditation according to ISO 17025
  • Varieties of DNA tests for genealogical research
  • You must register on the official website
  • Some results were communicated exclusively in English

Presentation : EasyDNA

With more than 300,000 DNA tests performed, the laboratory is one of the most reputable and reliable in the world. As proof of its quality, the company has the highest accreditations in the field of genetics (ISO17025, AABB and NATA standards).

EasyDNA : DNA test and sampling

EasyDNA is one of the only laboratories to offer such a wide range of DNA tests. Paternity tests, clinical, ancestry, health, dog DNA tests and others, we present each of them below.


The EasyDNA Paternity Test establishes the biological link between a father and his child. With an estimated reliability of 99.99%,

Most of the time, it takes place when a mother doubts the identity of the father or, on the contrary, when a man doubts his paternal relationship with the child.

EasyDNA offers two types of paternity tests:

  • Non-invasive Prenatal Paternity DNA Test;
  • Home Paternity DNA Test.

The non-invasive Prenatal Paternity DNA Test establishes the relationship between a father and his child. This test can be carried out from 2 months after the absence of the rule in the woman concerned. More advanced than the home paternity test, it requires a sample of maternal blood and swabs from the presumed father.

The EasyDNA test uses Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technology and analyses over 2500 markers to give a result accuracy of 99.99%.

The home paternity test offers a safe and effective way to find out more about your role. To ensure the identity of the biological father is 99% certain, the laboratory analyses nearly 21 genetic markers to guarantee the most accurate results possible. This test uses the buccal swab DNA collection method.

For both tests, the results are communicated to you within 3 to 7 days after sending and receiving your samples.


EasyDNA provides 3 different tests to analyze your ancestry.

  • Ancestors Test – GPS Origins ;
  • Ancestral Origins Test – Ancestral Origins;
  • Maternal Lineage Test;

The GPS Origins Ancestor Test establishes your connection to the geographic origin of your ancestors. This test takes into account the latest discoveries in genetics and genealogy with a tool for tracking ancestors: the GPS (Geographic Population Structure).

This test will give you access to 18 detailed reports analyzing 36 genes and comparing your DNA signature with other populations.

The results of the Ancestors GPS Origins test are available 4 to 6 weeks after performing the test.

The Ancestral Origins test is the ideal test if you want to know the exact origin of your distant ancestral roots.

With this test, EasyDNA provides you with a map highlighting 3 main aspects of your ancestry :

  1. To what extent does your DNA correspond to that of the populations studied?
  2. To what extent does your DNA correspond to the anthropological regions studied?
  3. To what degree do you belong to your ancestors ?

The results of the GPS Ancestors Origins test are available 2 to 3 weeks after performing the test.

The maternal lineage test, also known as the “mitochondrial test”, allows you to accurately locate the origin of your maternal ancestors. Many people are interested in discovering the maternal side of their families. The EasyDNA mitochondrial test is the ideal test to find out more about your maternal lineage.

The mitochondrial test offers two advantages:

  • Mitochondrial DNA does not mutate;
  • This DNA is only transmitted through the maternal lineage;

The results of all three tests are reported in English.


EasyDNA health DNA tests can help prevent many diseases and put in place the necessary measures in case of proven problems.

What health tests does EasyDNA offer?

  • Vegetarian food intolerance test
  • Intolerance test
  • SkinCareDNA: Skin Care DNA Test
  • DNA Test Diet and Ideal Weight

Using a hair sample, the Vegetarian Food Intolerance Test provides you with a comprehensive guide to find out if you are intolerant to 100 common vegan foods. EasyDNA, in addition to its test, provides a complete guide to help you reduce or eliminate your intolerances.

Using the same method of analysis, the intolerance test determines your sensitivity to 800 foods and 325 non-food items.

The results of these two tests are communicated 6 to 7 days after the samples are sent.

The SkinCareDNA test is a preventive treatment to control the ageing process by observing your genetic make-up. This DNA test establishes a report of potential risks on 7 aspects of skin ageing.

  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Sun protection
  • Skin Sensitivity
  • Skin elasticity
  • Pigmentation
  • Collagen quality
  • Antioxidants for the skin

Finally, the Diet & Ideal Weight DNA Test helps you understand why you can’t lose your pounds. With this test, EasyDNA offers you personalized recommendations to reach your goals.

The results of the SkinCareDNA and Diet & Ideal Weight tests are available in English.


If you want to know the genetic age and breed(s) of your dog, the EasyDNA dog DNA test is unique.

Genetic age, as opposed to biological age, gives you an insight into your dog’s expected longevity and health.

This DNA test helps, among other things, to :

  • Determine your dog’s breed(s)
  • Taking control of your aging process
  • Recognize signs of health risks

The EasyDNA dog DNA test is done by swabbing the cheeks. The dog owner must perform a swab inside the dog’s mouth using the material provided in the kit.

The results of this test are shared 2 to 3 weeks after receipt of the samples.


In addition to all the tests detailed above, the Belgian laboratory offers a range of exclusive DNA tests:

  • DNA profiling
  • Disaster victim identification
  • Electropherogram
  • Express DNA Test

Special features for ordering a DNA test


It is necessary to register on the official website of the Belgian laboratory in order to perform a test.

Whether an adult, a child or an infant, as long as the precautions established by EasyDNA are followed, anyone can perform the test.

Price of DNA tests

EasyDNA offers tests with one of the best quality/price ratio on the market.

The price of EasyDNA DNA tests is variable. Depending on the means used to analyze the DNA samples, prices are set between 50 euros and 1025 euros.

Paternity tests :

  • Non-invasive prenatal paternity test : 1025€
  • Home paternity test: from 169€.

Ancestry tests:

  • GPS origins test – Ancestors’ DNA : 179€
  • Test of ancestral origins: 199€.
  • Maternal lineage test: 169€.
  • Health tests:

Vegetarian food intolerance test: 76€.
Intolerance test: 89€.
DNA skin care test: 139€.
DNA test diet and ideal weight: 129€.

Test for your dog:

  • Genetic test for canine age : 69€
  • Test pack for dogs: 182€.

Other tests :

  • DNA profiling test: 139€.
  • Disaster Victim Identification: Price not provided
  • Electropherogram: 50€.
  • Express DNA test: 65€.

EasyDNA’s commitments


To ensure a successful experience for its users, EasyDNA accompanies you throughout your procedure. From ordering your test kit to receiving your exams, EasyDNA is available to answer all your questions.

Editor’s review of EasyDNA

From our point of view, the EasyDNA laboratory is a perfect illustration of Belgian expertise. With a varied and reliable range of DNA tests, EasyDNA is a good choice for carrying out a paternity test or a DNA test for your dog.

With DNA kits that are easy to carry out, EasyDNA has enabled us to learn more about our origins thanks to the study of 21 genetic markers, and those with a short waiting period for results.

Indeed, one of the main advantages of the Belgian group is its speed in returning the analysis. Facing competitors offering results within 3 to 4 weeks, EasyDna gave us a detailed report of our analysis after 5 working days.


The ISO 17025 standard is an international accreditation certifying that the laboratory concerned meets the criteria required worldwide.

By having this accreditation, EasyDNA proves the assurance of its results, but also the reliability of its analysis methods.


With more than 30 DNA tests, EasyDNA offers the widest range of home tests on the market.

By offering such a variety of tests, EasyDNA proves its seriousness and reliability compared to competitors who generally do not offer more than ¼ of these tests.


With support from qualified professionals in the field, EasyDNA customer service is available to those who have completed one of the tests.

Reachable by e-mail, by phone at +32 2 880 179 or by direct chat, the laboratory teams answer your questions in record time.


EasyDNA provides a page dedicated to the creation of your own kit for DNA analysis. To do so, it is necessary to take precautions before carrying out the test (do not eat or smoke an hour before taking the sample, have a clean mouth before doing the test).

On its website, EasyDNA provides step-by-step instructions on how to compose your own kit.